Afterschool Programs

Through Hands-On Science!

Return to Learn 
2021-2022 School Year

COVID-19 Safety Protocol
Aftercare Programs


High Touch High Tech offers 30-minute Aftercare programs and 60-minute Enrichment series that foster authentic science learning – bringing scientific concepts out of the classroom & into the everyday lives of students. Our hands-on programs inspire kids to explore the world around them by engaging in REAL experiments using REAL scientific equipment! 

Our Programs:

  • Meet STEM Objectives
  • Align with NC Essential Standards
  • Provide an informal learning environment that supports an interactive, student-focused approach to learning.
  • Open the Door to the Ever-Growing World of STEM Related Careers & Hobbies
  • Encourage Social, Emotional & Academic Development
  • Are easily adaptable & offer a simple way to implement an academically rich activity into any afterschool curriculum
  • Designed to engage students with concepts such as chemistry, electricity, geology, biology, physics, nature & more

Whether you are looking for a one-time event for your aftercare program, coordinating a full-term enrichment or looking for an innovative, educational activity to offer at your local library or community center, HTHT offers a range of flexible and affordable afterschool programs.


High Touch High Tech remains committed to the health & safety of your staff and students. Safety precautions preventing the spread of COVID-19 are our greatest priority. For this reason, our practices to help minimize the spread of potentially harmful germs include:
 - Programs have been modified to better eliminate or reduce communal supplies
 - Program participants requested to wash hands pre & post program
 - Science Instructors will wear proper PPE and practice social distancing
 - Daily self screening by Science Instructors for any symptoms
 - Adapting to your school's Health Safety Guidelines

Science Programs for Kids


Stimulate children's imagination & curiosity for science!


High Touch High Tech Aftercare Programs have a running time of 30-minutes and can serve up to 30 students per group. We can accommodate as many groups as necessary to meet the needs of your facility.

Students will enjoy 2-3 hands-on experiments per session, at least one of which they get to keep! All materials are age appropriate & safe. 

HTHT Aftercare programs are perfect for:

  • Elementary Schools
  • YMCA's & YWCA's
  • Parks & Recreation Departments
  • Community Programs
  • Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Preschools

Program fee is $5.00 per student
Travel fee and program minimums will apply

Schedule 1 visit per month from September to May and receive 10% off! 

Contact 800.444.4968 for promotional pricing and discounts for multiple reservations.

2021-2022 Aftercare Program Guide

Science Programs for Kids


Discover the power of observation as students journey through experimentation!



High Touch High Tech On-Location Afterschool Enrichments meet for 1-hour per week over an 8-12 week period. We can accommodate up to 15 students per class. Additional classes can be schedule as needed based upon demand.  

Students will enjoy 3-4 experiments per session, at least one of which they get to keep! Children will also benefit from working with the same science instructor each week and will build lasting friendships with their fellow classmates. 

All materials are included in this supply-intensive program. Materials are also safe & age appropriate.

We can customize the curriculum to meet your programming needs regardless of age or grade.

HTHT On-Location Enrichment Series are perfect for:

  • Private Elementary Schools
  • Community Centers
  • Public Libraries
  • Homeschool Groups
  • Learning PODS

Program fee is $12.00 per student per week. 
Travel fee and minimum enrollment will apply.

Bring HTHT to your location for multiple sessions per school year and receive discounted pricing for your students!

Contact 800.444.4968 for more details and reserve your enrichment series today!

Reservations are required
We look forward to visiting your afterschool soon!

Science Programs for Kids


Join in experimentation that challenges student problem solving skills!

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